Cold Brew Instruction Guide

Cold Brew is an extremely simple and refreshing chilled brewing method to enjoy your coffee on those hot summer days or whenever you just feel like a nice smooth and rich cold cup of iced coffee to make your day. Follow the process below for some great cold brew.


1 Grind Coffee

a. Weigh the proper amount of coffee.

i. For Concentrated Strength: 4 to 1 coffee to water ratio is a good starting point.

ii. For Normal Strength: 16 to 1 coffee to water ratio, adjusted to your taste.

b. Grind to Medium-Coarse texture.

2 Add Coffee to Brewing Container (Mason Jars make excellent cold brew containers, as does a French Press, Coffee Pot or most any glass carafe will work)

a. If using a filter, pour coffee into filter and insert into brewing container.

3 Add Water to Brewing Container

a. Ensure you are adding the correct amount of clean, cold water to the coffee by weighing and/or measuring water quantity.

b. Initially pour just enough water to wet the coffee grounds and let “bloom” for 30 seconds.

c. If you get clumping of the coffee grounds on top of the water, stir to thoroughly mix the coffee into the water.

d. After 30 seconds, pour remaining amount of water into brewing container and cover with lid.

4 Refrigerate

a. Allow coffee to infuse with cold water for 6-24 hours based on container size (see recommended cold brewing times below).

b. Longer and colder refrigerated infusion times produce a smoother and richer flavor.

5 Pour and Enjoy!

a. If you do not use a filter, and coffee grounds are mixed directly into the water in the container, strain the coffee using a filter such as cheese cloth, paper filter, sieve, or other fine mess type filter.

b. If you prepared a concentrated brew, add water or ice to dilute to desired strength.

c. Keep refrigerated, after straining. Your cold brew should keep for about a week before starting to lose its flavor.

Green Grinds encourages you to compost their coffee grounds to be good stewards of our environment.

Recommended Cold Brew refrigeration times:

1-4 Cups: 6-12 hours
5-8 Cups: 12-18 hours
9-12 Cups: 18-24 hours